Whenever we travel by bus, the biggest problem we face is in knowing the time table. Because of this, many times a lot of our time gets wasted. If you are going to travel from Palwal to Lucknow, then you must know the latest bus timetable. In view of the solution to this problem, we have brought for you the post of “Palwal to Lucknow Bus Time Table”. Hope it will prove to be helpful for you.

For your kindly information, let us tell you that both Haryana Roadways and private buses run on this route. According to the latest time table, the first bus on this route runs at 7 AM. Keep in mind that whenever you travel from Palwal to Lucknow, you must confirm the time table at Palwal Bus Depot. By the way, this bus passes through Hodal, Kosi, Mathura, Agra, Saifai & Kannauj route. The “Palwal to Lucknow Bus Timing” is given below.
Palwal to Lucknow Distance : 478.3 KM
Palwal to Lucknow Bus Time Table
Departure Time | Route | Via | Bus Type |
07:00 AM | Palwal to Ayodhya | Hodal, Kosi, Mathura, Agra, Saifai, Kannauj | Haryana Roadways |
10:00 AM | Faridabad to Ayodhya | Hodal, Kosi, Mathura, Agra, Saifai, Kannauj | Haryana Roadways |
Palwal Bus Stand Enquiry Number : 01275-240285
We hope that “Palwal to Lucknow Bus Time Table” provided by us would have proved to be excellent for you and your journey would also have been pleasant. For smooth journey, you can also book tickets in advance by visiting the bus depot or through online medium. To get more such information you can visit roadways bus time table website.
Happy Journey! Safe Travels! Enjoy the journey of these two cities. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know by commenting.